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Friendship Community Group
Board of Directors

The minutes of the Board meetings are located here.

2024 FCG Board Members

President: Ellen DiBiase
Vice President: Gillian McTiernan
Secretary: Nancy Cohen

Treasurer: Steve Morrow

Lee Ann Antol

Aafke Butter

Nikki Coffee

Sheila Grab

Julie Grove

Vince Manetti

Roswell McNutt

Rachel Murchison

Danielle Novick

Elizabeth Reitz Schwall

Sierra Weir

Committee Chairs


Zoning & Development Committee Co-Chairs: Vince Manetti and Roswell McNutt
Outreach Committee Co-Chairs: Nikki Coffee, Sheila Grab, and Lee Ann Antol
Baum Grove Committee Co-Chairs: Julie Grove, Aafke Butter, and Sierra Weir
Friendship Flower & Folk Festival Chair: Elizabeth Reitz Schwall & Danielle Novick
House Tour (2025) Chair: Rachel Murchison

Finance Committee Chair: Steve Morrow (as Treasurer)

Audit Committee Chair: OPEN
Board Nominations Committee Chair: Gillian McTiernan (as Vice President)

Learn More About FCG Committees:

Outreach Committee


Zoning and Development Committee


Baum Grove Committee


Meet the Board

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Lee Ann Antol

Lee Ann Antol lives with her partner, David Wohlwill, at the corner of Roup and Harriet Streets-- kitty-corner from the beautiful and amazing treasure that is Baum Grove. Lee Ann and David have lived in Friendship for more than...

Aafke Butter

Aafke Butter lives with her husband, Willem, and two children, Tom and Lex, on the 400 block of S. Graham Street. They have been in Friendship for seven years and love it here!

Nikki Coffee

Nikki Coffee is a resident of the 400 block of S. Aiken Ave. and is a mother to three grown children and a proud grandmother to three energetic grandsons and one spoiled granddaughter. Her commitment to community welfare is reflected in her past service on the boards of...

Nancy Cohen

Nancy was a transplant to Pittsburgh from Colts Neck, NJ, in 2020, following her artist daughter who moved to Pittsburgh first. She is a librarian ... 

Ellen DiBiase


Ellen DiBiase lives on the 300 block of S. Atlantic Ave. with her husband, Evan, their daughter, Lana, and two crazy cats:...

Julie Grove


Julie Grove’s professional experience has primarily been with major food companies in sales and supply chain operations, but riding her bike is how she spends her free time...

Steve Morrow


Steve Morrow was born and spent his early years in Lima, Peru, grew up in suburban Denver, attended Amherst College, and finally settled in the South Side of Pittsburgh...

Rachel Murchison


Rachel Murchison and her husband, Lou, moved to Pittsburgh three years ago from Washington, DC, and they feel so lucky to have landed in Friendship! Rachel’s career...

Danielle Novick


Danielle is pleased to have the opportunity to serve on the FCG Board for a third term, returning after a two-year hiatus. During her first and second terms...

Elizabeth Reitz Schwall

Elizabeth lives on the 300 block of S Aiken with her husband, Alexander, and their two sons. They moved to Friendship in 2021 after...

Sierra Weir


Sierra Weir is an artist, scientist, and environmental educator who has lived in Friendship for nearly two years. She grew up in Pittsburgh before living in...

Sheila Grab


Growing up in Forest Hills, Sheila cherished the tight knit community that was such a formative part of her upbringing. She moved to Bloomfield when she was finishing graduate work at the University of Pittsburgh and fell in love with...

Vince Manetti


Vince first served as an FCG board member from 2017-2021, leading the Housing & Business Borders Committee (now the Zoning & Development Committee, or ZDC) and...

Gillian McTiernan


When Gillian moved to Friendship three years ago, she was thrilled to experience a similar vibrant, community-oriented spirit to her former Northside neighborhood. Since then, her fondness for the area continues to grow through her enjoyment of local gems like...

Roswell McNutt


After completing college, Roswell moved several times, eventually arriving in Pittsburgh in the summer of 2022. During a year-long apprenticeship, he fell in love with the city, particularly the Friendship neighborhood, and decided to settle down. Though he now lives in another neighborhood,

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